The Beacon Primary Academy will provide education for children from 4-11 in the Skegness area.
Admission Number
- 30 for pupils in Year R (Reception)
For the 2024/25 Academic year, we could have places for Reception, Year 1,2,3,4,5 and Year 6 pupils.
For admission in September, parents should complete and return their forms to the Lincolnshire LA. You can apply direct through Lincolnshire County Council Admissions team using the link below:
For more information, click here or, alternatively, you can ring the Admissions Team on 01522 552222.
* Click on the links below to read our full Admissions Policies.
It is important that all parents / carers have completed the Beacon Primary Academy application form before your child can start in September.
Please click the link to find your nearest school. Click Here
In Year Admissions
The Beacon Primary Academy will co-ordinate all in-year admissions and parents should contact the Academy directly for an application form or complete it here.
If a parent/carer's application for a place at the Academy is unsuccessful, they have the right of appeal to an independent appeals panel.
Parents/carers should submit their appeal, in writing and giving their reasons for appeal, direct to the Academy.
Please be aware that the regulations under Section I of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 limit the size of an infant class (a class in which the majority of children will reach the age of 5, 6 or 7 during the school year) to 30 pupils per class teacher. Admissions over this limit are only permitted in very limited circumstances.
Please contact the Academy office on 01754 879211 if you have any queries regarding your child’s admission.