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Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

In Reception, we follow the Early Years Statutory Framework as set out in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage published in March 2014 and updated in 2021 by the DfE. This Framework specifies the requirement for learning and development in the Early Years and provides specific areas of learning we must cover in our curriculum. There are seven areas of learning and development that are taught in early years, all areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. The prime areas consist of three areas of learning that are crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm enabling children to acquire the key skills to learn effectively and form secure relationships. These areas are:  

  • Communication and language. 

  • Physical development. 

  • Personal, social and emotional development. 

The four other areas, the specific areas, are also taught. These strengthen and allow the prime areas to be applied. The specific areas are:  

  • Literacy. 

  • Mathematics. 

  • Understanding the world. 

  • Expressive arts and design.  

A vital aspect in the development of essential knowledge and skills is the use of continuous provision. This means that children are using and developing certain skills throughout the year on a daily/weekly basis. Each area of learning and development is taught through planned, purposeful play and through a mix of adult-led, adult-initiated, and child-initiated activity. In particular, we try to ensure that the development of real-life skills such as how to use cutlery or how to ride a bike are evident within our curriculum and suit the needs of our children.  

Continuous Provision is essential for children’s development, enabling them to build their confidence as they learn to explore, problem solve, and relate to others. Children learn by leading their own play, and by taking part in activities that are directed by adults. They develop key life skills such as independence, innovation, creativity, enquiry, analysis, and problem solving setting them up for their future learning journeys. 

Our EYFS curriculum is linked to the other year-groups to show the whole school learning journey. These links can be found in the link to each subject down the right-hand side of this page.