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Modern Foreign Language  - Spanish

We aim for pupils to: 

  • Explore the Spanish language, how it compares to English, including culturally.  

  • Children will develop their vocabulary. 

  • Pupils will develop their oracy skills and understand conversations. 

  • Reading and writing the language will be involved in sessions across KS2. 

  • Understand that there are other languages in our community and show respect to these cultures. 

  • Broaden their horizons to knowledge of different countries (focusing on Spain). 

  • Know where different languages are spoken around the world – supporting potential job opportunities in the future. 

Our approach is to make learning a new language fun and memorable. Young pupils are very receptive to learning a new language; they like to pronounce the words and they can easily pick up and duplicate new sounds. They feel a real sense of accomplishment when they learn to say something new. We will have discreet lessons on the timetable but we will also integrate the foreign language into the everyday routine. Staff have access to ‘Early Spanish Language’ to support the delivery of Spanish – other resources can also be used, as appropriate. 

National Curriculum Language Programmes of Study