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We aim for pupils to foster an enjoyment and understanding of music under 3 main areas: 


  • Children will develop their knowledge and skills of musical concepts. 

  • They will plan, create and perform their work as a musician. 


  • Allowing children to develop their sense of place in the world, while developing an appreciation for a range of musical styles. 


  • Creating an enjoyment for music, extending to families and the wider community. 

  • Raising children’s aspirations to peruse careers within the creative industry. 

  • Providing opportunities for pupils to perform to others, both within their school and beyond.  

In their music lessons pupils use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes. Assemblies will also provide an opportunity to practise singing. Pupils will also be taught to play a variety of instruments musically and encouraged to play together in ensemble groups. We encourage listening to a wide range of music with concentration and understanding. Music lessons are, where possible, linked to learning in other subject areas and music is used in a variety of lessons and activities to create, mood, atmosphere and to help thinking. We have a termly focus across the school of a specific composer which generates a corridor display for children to contribute to through home and school learning. This covers a wide range of musical styles (genres) and periods of music. 

The Music Express programme will support our teaching of music across the school and we have a specialist teacher who teaches whole class performing across the school using singing, instruments and basic notation. 

National Curriculum Music Programmes of Study: