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Building Futures - Careers and Employability Skills

At Beacon Primary Academy we aim to provide all children with a knowledge of a range of career opportunities in order to broaden and raise aspirations. We believe it is important to develop our children's skills, knowledge and confidence to enable them to make informed decisions about their futures. We hope to provide inspiration to all children through a range of activities so that they develop ambition to fulfil their life goals. 

We know that every pupil has the potential to acquire the essential skills, capabilities and characteristics to be successful. Through our broad and balanced curriculum and Building Futures programme we intend to support and inspire children to achieve their goals and become well-rounded adults that are fully prepared for a purposeful and ambitious life. 

We aim to embed the following key skills through our Skills Builder Partnership:

  • Listening
  • Presenting
  • Problem Solving
  • Creativity
  • Staying Positive
  • Aiming High
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork