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This year the school have hosted many events to raise money for the children including:

  • Christmas Fair
  • Summer Fair
  • Non Uniform Days
  • Discos
  • Bingo

I'm pleased to say that over the past year we have raised over £5000 for our children. Our recent Summer Fair raised just over £1900 for our children. A big thank you to all of our staff and PTFA for making sure these events are successful. This year our money has gone towards many events and resources for our children such as:

  • The bus for our Year 6 residential
  • Hoodies for our Year 6 leavers
  • The Year 6 leavers day
  • Playground markings on both the KS1 and KS2 playground
  • Our book vending machine

If you are interested in supporting our school and PTFA then please get in touch with Mrs Crow. Also, if you have any other ideas for fundraising then please let us know.

Thank you for a brilliant year of fund raising!